Buyers Timeline Step 12

Step 12- Final Walkthrough and Signing

Phew, we made it! Your loan is approved and it is time to move towards our closing day, but first, we have 2 very important steps. 

Final Walk-Through 

The final walkthrough typically takes place the day before closing, right before your signing appointment. This time gives you a chance to see the home one more time before signing that stack of papers. We will also verify with our own eyes, that the repairs agreed to have actually been done; if we negotiated a credit on your behalf in lieu of repairs, then we are looking to make sure the home has not crumbled since our inspections 🙂 Please note: I do not go on ladders and into attics or on top of the roof for this final stage. 

As much as the seller tries to have all of their personal belongings out of the home by the time we do our final walkthrough, it is not guaranteed. Our contract reads to have the home in broom swept condition upon recordation. 

If there are any issues when we do the final walkthrough, rest assured, I have a few tools in my toolbox for that and we will discuss them at that time. 


The signing for your home takes place right after the final walkthrough. Why? We have now verified that the home is in the same condition as when we first viewed it and are secure in signing the loan documents. 

One thing I always say, signing and closing are two different things. The day we sign your life away is not the day we close. Be prepared to bring two forms of identification to the signing appointment, as well as any monies needed. All of this information will be provided prior to your appointment. Know that we are on it.


Join me next week as I share step 13 where we talk about closing and getting the keys! Did you miss step 11? Catch it here!

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