9 Features To Consider When Buying A House

If you’re embarking on a house-buying journey, you’re probably wondering “Where do I even start? How do I begin choosing amongst all of those available houses?”. Well, you need to know what you’re looking for to make a good choice. You need to know the house fits your needs. So, here are 8 features to consider when buying a house, which will help you make the right choice.

There are so many things you need to think about when choosing a house. Many of them will depend on your specific wishes and needs.

However, there are some things you should (almost) always consider and think about, to choose the house that best fits your life and wishes.

Let’s get into 8 features to consider when buying a house.

Important House Features To Consider When Buying A House

Alright, let’s get into the house features!

1. Location of the house

One of the first things you need to consider is the location. When I say location – I mean consider everything related to it.

Does the location work for your job or any other places you’ll need to go to regularly?

Is the location of the house close to malls, restaurants, cafes, and clothing stores, if you go to those places often?

If you don’t own a car, or your kid doesn’t drive, is the bus stop near? Is there a grocery store nearby? What about a pharmacy?

Is there a school nearby if your kids go to school? Or maybe a kindergarten?

Is the house on a busy street, or is the street quiet?

Consider everything that will impact your day-to-day life.

2. Size of the house

The second thing you need to consider probably goes without saying, but you need to think about the house size. We all want to get the best deal possible, and many people will sacrifice the size a bit in order to get a more affordable price, but make sure the size of the house will actually fit all of your needs, and that you’ll be comfortable.

Besides considering how many rooms you need, think beyond that as well. If you love cooking, is the kitchen size big enough for you?

If you have a huge couch already, is the living room space where the couch will go big enough for the one you own already? Is the bedroom big enough for your bed? Is the kids’ room big enough to comfortably fit your kid or kids, along with all of the furniture and their toys?

Unless your furniture is very old, or you want to redesign your whole house, you probably don’t want to get all new furniture. So, make sure the house you’re looking at can fit the furniture (and appliances) you already have.

3. Age of the house

While an older house can be more affordable than a brand-new house, and older homes can have their charms, an old house will often mean there are things that need to be fixed, remodeled, or improved. So, make sure you’re fine with that.

4. Number of bedrooms

Of course, you need to consider the number of bedrooms. Make sure the house has enough bedrooms for your current needs, but also for your possible needs for the soon future. For example, if you’re trying to have a baby, and the house you’re looking at doesn’t have enough bedrooms for a kid’s room, maybe it’s not the right choice for you unless you plan on moving again soon.

5. Number of bathrooms

If you have a big household, take into consideration the number of bathrooms the house has. You don’t want to have 5 people waiting for one person to finish showering so they can start getting ready or go to the bathroom.

6. Kitchen layout

Unless you’re someone who never cooks and you only eat delivered food, the kitchen layout will be important for you. First of all, does the layout work for the applianced you already have or plan on having? If the kitchen doesn’t have a kitchen island, but you want to have one, is there enough room to add it?

Is the layout intuitive and makes sense for cooking?

7. Yard

Depending on your needs and wishes, the yard may or may not be an important feature for you. Consider the size of the yard, as well as the layout. If you want to have a pool, is there enough room? If you want to have a garden, is there enough room for that? Can you place your backyard furniture in it? Does the yard itself have any specific features you want, or the ability to add those features?

8. Garage

A garage is often important for houses, as it’ll be a place not only for your car, but for all of those things you don’t know where to place. So, first of all, consider the garage size. If you have two cars, is there enough room for both? If the garage big enough for one big vehicle, depending on your car? Is there enough room for all of the things you plan on keeping in there?

9. Layout of the house

Finally, you need to consider the overall house layout. Do the room placements work for you and make sense? Are the rooms that should be next to each other close? Are all the rooms the right size? Is the “flow” of the house balanced? Take into consideration your daily habits and how you “use” the house, and try to imagine if you can imagine yourself living there comfortably, and if the layout works for you.

Now that we covered the house features you need to consider when buying a house, it’s time to start looking!

If you’re moving to Phoenix, AZ for the first time, I have many resources that will help you transition to your new neighborhood easily.

If you’re just in the beginning stages of buying a house, and you’re looking for a Phoenix real estate agent (whether you’re moving from a different state or country, or you’re just moving from one Phoenix neighborhood to another), I’d love to help!

I’m Jenn Jenkins, a Realtor® with 12 years of experience, and I can help you find the house of your dreams! Contact me!

9 House Features To Consider When Buying A House

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