Buyers Timeline Step 5

Step 5 Finding the Perfect Home

I find that there is not one but 3 things that must come together for you when purchasing your home. There is so much noise that surrounds the real estate market, we can see how easily it could drown your thoughts. Think of us as your life vest – we are here to help guide you through this noise and make a blueprint for what situation works best for you. This is where we will help you prioritize what is important for your home purchase. 

Budget is number one on the list, as you must be comfortable financially when purchasing a home. Just because you are prequalified for X amount, does not mean that you must buy that much home. You are making your house payments, not the lender. Also in that budget, are you taking into account what you may need to get into the home and what items may need to be done to the home? 

Features are second on that list of priorities. Let’s take a moment to decide which features are a requirement (location, bedroom count, garage, etc.) and which features are extras (fireplace, vaulted ceilings, walk-in closets, etc). Try not to get swept away by the pretty things. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of a beautiful home loaded with amenities and modern features. It is essential that you select what truly meets all or most of your requirements first and foremost! Know yourself and your abilities. A house that needs a little work might be ideal for someone who is experienced at repairs and enjoys the DIY process. However, if you are working full time and want to enjoy the superb lifestyle that Phoenix has to offer, a fixer-upper could turn into a time and money pit. 

And third on that list, neighborhood. There are many factors to consider when selecting a neighborhood. Look for elements like access to major freeways, shopping, and schools. Listen for noise created by commerce, roads, railways, and public areas. Smell the air for adjacent commerce or agriculture. Check with local civic, police, fire, and school officials to find information about the neighborhood or ask a neighbor. Look at traffic patterns around the area during different times of the day and drive there to and from work. Does the community have an HOA and are you okay with abiding by the cc&r’s?  

Statistics show that a buyer knows within 60 seconds whether or not they have found the perfect home. Trust me, I see it all the time!

Join me next week as I share step 6 where we talk about making an offer! Did you miss step 4? Catch it here!

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