Selling Tips

So I heard you are ready to sell your home, congratulations! I’d love to share a few areas you may want to prioritize before you even start working with a real estate agent.

Many feel like the home they’ve been in, is perfect – but that is generally because of the memories you’ve created while living in the home has added value to its foundations.

I want to offer you a different perspective, so that you can really optimize your efforts of the home selling process.

When you are getting into the mindset that you want to sell your home, you have so many factors to consider, before you can even put your home on the market, their area key things you need to accomplish before you can really benefit from working with an agent.

The most important step in the process, is now that you have wrapped your mindset around selling you need to actually get the house in order to sell, its time to purge and organize! I highly recommend going through each room and sort your items into 3 different sections, make one for items you are going to keep. Next make one for items you know are going to just be thrown out, the last pile could be a donation/yard sale pile.

This can be a really overwhelming part of the process, something I’ve found helps is breaking it up into 5-10 minutes increments 5x a day, not doing everything at once makes it more productive. When you break it down like this, you can each day take items to donate.

Next, now that you’ve decided what you can part with that you’d collected and ended up storing in the back of a closet, next you will need to put some serious time into DEEP cleaning.

This helps prevent any dust, or debris are remaining from the time you spent in the home. Now is a great time to get rid of any pet dander, that gathers in those hard to reach areas.

Pro Tip: Dust seems to be the extractor fans and oven hoods. You will want to ensure you’ve taken time to thoroughly clean your home so areas like this do not get missed.

We cannot forget the outside of the home, you have to really consider the exterior what needs to be repaired? What should be upgraded?

I highly recommend that before you list your home on the market is to make sure your exterior matches the interior. Make sure the grass has been mowed and any weeds are sorted out. You could add some flowers to bring a bit more colour to the property.

Things to consider…

  • Grass has been mowed and any weeds are sorted out.
  • Add some flowers to bring a bit more colour to the property.
  • You will want to ensure your windows and doors do not look worn. If they are you could revamp them with some paint! 

While I can understand that this process is tiring, you will want to also think about repairs.  They are extremely important, it might be appealing to leave them for the new owners, however during the home selling/buying process, your buyers will get a surveyor to report on the home. Any damage that is on the home, will be in this report which could result in the new buyers pulling out of the sale, most of the time buyers do not want to take on the burden of your repairs.

Grab a free checklist for getting your home ready to sell here by clicking on Preparing your home for the open market.

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